The Best Online Shopping Sites Know their Keyword - Project Management and Development - Digital Services - Premium IT Solutions

The Best Online Shopping Sites Know their Keyword

With my business no one would ever look to purchase products or service I sell online! My business isn’t an ecommerce site. My website will never be the best online shopping site. Our business is different to your other customer’s websites. Our customers don't shop or research for our products online.

I probably hear these statements at least once per month from potential clients. Some of them have website and some of them don’t.

I honestly think your website should be your best sales person.

Now if you have a website and have linked your Google Webmaster tools to your Google Analytics account then you can really tell if people are searching for the things you sell. Even if your website is not optimised there is a pretty good chance you will be able to see if people are actually searching for the products or services you sell. Now you need to have a number of pages on your website. If your website is less than 5 pages you need to create more content to have any chance in the Google race.

The Best Online Shopping Sites Know their Keywords - Do You?

From within Google Analytics, under Acquisition then Search Engine Optimisation – click the Queries.

est online shoppig site sell online knowing your keywords

Be the best online shopping site by knowing your keywords.

From here you will be able to specify a date range of up to 3 months. This will display the keywords people are using to find the products and services just like you sell. Now you need to check out the number of impressions. As this is show you how many times people have searched using that keyword. And any click you may have received.

best online shopping sites know their keywords

The best online shopping sites know their keywords - do you?

To be honest if your keyword ranking is higher than 10 then you will not get any traffic for that keyword. But if you are in the top 3 then you are getting the lions share of the traffic.

Building a business on guess work only costs you money. If you build your business on numbers than you have a better than average chance of succeeding.